Saturday, December 18, 2010

Formula Flavors

Carter is on Vital Jr. a semi-elemental formula much like Alimentum, but formulated for toddlers. He drinks the vanilla flavor with no problems, loves it actually. The last order of formula we bought was a mix of unflavored and vanilla. I have tried the unflavored in the past, but after getting a taste for the vanilla, there’s no way he’d drink it plain. So I got some of the Flavor Straws, thanks to some wonderful mommies on here, and we tried the strawberry.  I got him a special cup and made a HUGE deal about using a new cup with a straw to drink his special milk. He was so excited!! He clapped and smiled and even laughed! I gave him the cup and he took a couple sips . . . but he made a sour face. So I kept encouraging him and I think he drank an ounce total. He then gave up on drinking and just wanted to play with the cup. He got upset when I took it away, but really didn’t drink anymore. So I thought it was time to get creative!
I cut open the straw and dumped the flavor beads directly into the formula. I shook it and gave it back to Carter in a sippy cup. He took a big drink, and then spit it all back out, making the most sour face!! I looked and the beads hadn’t dissolved at all. Instead, they all sank and stuck to the bottom of the cup.
The next two diapers he had were very acidic smelling and burned his bottom. Was it the straws? He only had one and didn’t even have much milk through them, so I’m thinking it was something else. But that’s just another part of the guessing game.
I have two other straw flavors; banana and cookies and cream. I don’t mind experimenting with the flavor straws or even other flavoring methods for the formula, but I am worried that he will go on a formula strike again. The last time we tried to give him an unflavored formula, Peptamin Jr, Carter refused to drink it and went 72 hours without taking any formula. The idea that a child will eat when they are hungry enough doesn’t apply to Carter. Although I do wonder if he refused to drink it after taking in the first ounce, because there was something in that formula that didn’t agree with his system. Yet another guess in our guessing game.
 And then there’s the issue of the cases of unflavored formula I have already. I need to find a way to get him to drink them. I need to start now since our supply is almost at 50 % vanilla and 50% unflavored. I have tried mixing the two formulas together. I did a 50/50 mix, but he wouldn’t drink it. I did a 20/80mix, but he still wouldn’t drink it.
I have searched the internet and asked so many people about the various ways to flavor formula. I know some people use Crystal Light, but that just sounds scary. I have heard of other people who use vanilla extract with great success.  I know, you’re thinking, “Wow, vanilla extract, that would be easy!” Did I mention that it’s $24 for 8 ounces? So we made a family trip to Whole Foods today to buy some of this special vanilla. We bought a 2 ounce bottle for $7. One capful or teaspoon per 8 ounce serving, that’s what we are going to try first. I am hoping it will be just what we need to get Carter to drink his unflavored formula. We will try tomorrow and hopefully having Daddy here will make Carter more willing to try yet another of Mommy’s concoctions.
Carter may be on this formula for years, so I want it to be something that tastes good to him. His formula also comes in Strawberry and Chocolate, but these flavors are harder to find, at least at a reasonable price. And we are still at the beginning of our battle with gettingthe insurance company to cover it.
There will always be something. Some obstacle to overcome, some new challenge to face. It is all part of the FPIES maze.

1 comment:

  1. Just a thought: Nolan was on Peptamen Junior for four months and it did a number on his body. So maybe your idea that Carter knew it would cause him pain is true. If its the same stuff it has casein and whey in it. I don't have any grand ideas to mix with the formula. Good luck!!
