Monday, July 11, 2011

FPIES or 2??

FPIES or 2? This is our newest battle. New behaviors pop up and it has become so hard to tell whether they are developmentally appropriate or a sign that FPIES is at work. When do I worry and when do I let it go? When do I correct the behavior and when do I cuddle it? These are behaviors that are not normal for Carter. We saw a lot of these as a result of internal pain that he wasn’t able to express. Maybe now he’s just experimenting with self expression.
·         Screaming
·         Hitting
·         Randomly saying “Owwie”
·         Constantly saying “No”
·         Refusal to sleep
·         Laying on the floor curled up in a ball
·         Not wanting to eat
·         Wanting to have his blankie and bapee (pacifier) constantly
·         Being Argumentative
·         Needing my full attention
·         Violent and Random mood swings
These could all be the actions of a 2year old trying to figure out his world and find his place in it. They could also be signs that there is something happening internally. Am I setting up a future filled with up hill battles because I am not being firm enough or consistent enough? Perhaps. Should I know the difference between a 2 year old tantrum and cries of pain? Probably.  But my mommy instinct is tired and I can no longer view Carter’s world without my FPIES glasses on. It is a part of him and I cannot separate the two. He is growing in spite of FPIES.  He is happy despite his FPIES. It is always there, and maybe I should be strong enough to separate the two, but maybe it just isn’t worth it.
Everyday, Carter says a new word. Everyday he shows us something new about himself. He’s even showing interest in potty training and telling us when he needs a diaper change. He has come so far in the last month.  In spite. Despite. Because of.  With.  And that is what truly matters.

1 comment:

  1. oh wow...just was having this conversation! He is growing...he is learning....those are great things. Hang on to those things. TIGHT!
