Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Today is Day 6!

So we have reached Day 6 of the GAPS intro diet. Did I mention that it would get worse before it got better? That’s where we have been for the last four days. Day 3 began with Carter refusing anything, including water. We ended up syringe feeding him some broth and water just to keep him hydrated. He was tired, weak and clingy. By Monday, he hadn’t pooped and it had been 4 days. It is important that his system cleans itself out. That is the biggest way the body expels all the candida (yeast) overgrowth that has taken over his body. So what did that mean? It meant an enema. Clearly not an experience anyone wants to have with a 2 year old, especially when they aren’t feeling well. It was an experience that Eric and I will never forget, but one that I hope Carter forgets quickly. It brought us all to tears. On the plus side, the enema did its job and cleared him out.
He was crying that his tummy hurt, but still refusing water. Carter normally loves water. Did I also mention that he’s stubborn? Eric suggested we add honey to his water, which is GAPS approved, but not recommended at this point in the diet. We were desperate. Carter needed fluids. I made him a bottle of water and honey. I will never forget the image of Eric sitting in the bottom of the shower rocking our little Car Bean and feeding him a bottle of honey water. It broke me and yet strengthened me all at the same time.
We continued to give Carter bottles of honey water, but started to change the ratio. He is now taking 25% water and 75% chicken broth with just a tiny bit of honey. He was up a lot last night, but it was ok because he was drinking his “honey” as Carter calls it. 2 sets of jammies, 3 soaked diapers and 4 bottles all in a four hour period. But he is drinking!!
Carter also went to preschool yesterday. He was tired most of the day and didn’t want to drink anything, but he did eat some boiled carrots! More nutrition in his body! And he loved getting the extra snuggles from his teacher and the preschool director. They have been amazing in the willingness to walk this road with us and with Carter. At every turn, when I expected them to say that we are asking too much of them, they instead pull us closer, help hold us up and   continue to persevere on this journey.
He is tolerating beef broth and meat, chicken broth, pumpkin and now maybe even carrots.  What will tomorrow hold for Carter? I do not know, but I am certain it WILL be worth it in the end!


  1. I have your blog through The FPIES Foundation and other moms. I just read your blog from the start. You have been through such a tough journey. You are an amazing mom! I am so grateful for you and the others who have documented everything. Its nice to read and see what others have gone through. My daughter (8 months) was just recently diagnosed with FPIES.

    Thank you!

  2. Thank you so much! I am honored that you read Carter's story from start to finish! it was my hope that in sharing Carter's story, I would help someone just like you who is just beginning the journey through the FPIES maze! Thank you again!
