Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Probiotic Update

Sorry I haven’t updated in awhile. We’ve been plugging along here. We had to pull spinach because his tummy just isn’t ready for it. He can only do it in small quantity every once in a while. We FINALLY got him started on a probiotic, which will help his body fight the bad bugs in his intestinal system and build up more good bugs. We are moving very slowly, but his body is adjusting well. We used the recommended dose of one capsule and spread it out over 8 days.  We have seen some symptoms: eczema flares on his face and little red painful bumps sporadically spread across his body. The worst of these has been the rash that’s developed from his urine. The areas where his pee comes in contact with his skin turns into small red welts. On bad days, it hurts when he pees and his entire groin is covered in rash. We’ve made great friends with Aquaphor, or as Carter calls it, Butt Jelly! As difficult as this is to watch, it really is a good sign. It means his body is ridding toxins through his urine. It means the probiotic is working. It means we are making progress.

Our other big news is that Carter has hotdogs!! We spend last Saturday making Carter homemade sausages, which he calls hotdogs, a snack just like his brothers. We stuffed them with safe ground beef, a little onion and some salt and pepper. Then Daddy smoked them, so now Carter has smoked hotdogs. He doesn’t appear to be tolerating the casings, which were pork that we picked up from the local butcher shop, so I’ve been removing them before feeding him. Either way, he doesn’t care. He loves his hotdogs!


  1. so great when you can give them something like that and they get so excited! and way to go Carter on the probiotic! It took Ellie 6 months to build up to the recommended child dosage.

  2. Congrats! Do you mInd if I ask what probiotic you use??
    Our lo is 14 mo and is in constant Pain with reflux and fpies issues...

  3. I am so sorry to hear about your little one. We still struggle with reflux whenever Carter is having a reaction to a food. We are using GutPro probiotic. It contains no dairy, soy or corn. It is only available online @
