Tuesday, May 10, 2011

And Cauldron Bubble

Several months ago we had a huge yard sale. We got rid of all the baby stuff we had, since Carter will for sure be our last. We cleaned out all the closets and the garage. We got rid of all those things we had been hanging onto for years, but never used. It was a great feeling and a productive day.
Just recently, Carter had started losing his pacifier or Bapbee as he calls it, during his sleep. His cough has made this worse, since the Bapbee falls out when he coughs. I tried those pacifier clips, attaching them to his jammies, but he just pulls them off, pulls the Bapbee off and eventually it ends up on the floor. This results in a little voice calling out at 2 am, “Mommy!! Bapbee! Mommy!! Bapbee!”  Normally, this would be the sign that it’s time to get rid of Bapbee. But Carter doesn’t fall under the “Normal” guidelines. How was I going to keep that darn thing from falling out of bed?
A friend of mine came up with the perfect solution. She suggested taking the crib bumper, which I had taken out months earlier for fear that he would use it to help climb out, and putting it on the outside of the crib. Attach it just high enough to create a lip that would keep the Bapbees from falling out. A brilliant idea!! No need to worry about him using it to climb out and more sleep for everyone!! There was only one small problem. Remember that huge yard sale we had? Yep, sold the crib bumper. Why would I ever need a crib bumper again?
I just bought a brand new crib bumper for my almost 2 year old.  One of those Breathable Baby bumpers in Blue. Never would have guessed that would happen. We put it on last night. And guess what? I didn’t need coffee this morning! Carter slept all night last night, and all four of his Bapbees were still there with him in bed. Yes, I said 4. Hey, sleep is important!!


  1. lol That is a great idea! And I had a PURPLE bumper you could have used. OH WELL blue is better :)hooray for sleep!

  2. lol!!! I can relate to this one!!!! The twins each need at least 2 but more like 4 or 5 "papus" in with them! We roll up blankets and line the crib to creat the same effect..haha - gotta love it! and I'm with NS - hooray for sleep!!!

  3. Love it!! Creative thinking- I am always thinking....of ways to get more/longer streches of sleep!!

  4. Yay, just getting caught up on blogs! SO happy it worked :D
