Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fire Burn

Carter’s second birthday party is set for May 21. It will be a time filled with family, fun, friends and Carter safe food. I was trying to think of fun ways to use Carter’s safe foods. Sugar is a safe food, and what is cotton candy? Spun sugar!! We are renting a cotton candy machine for his party. I went to the store yesterday to get cotton candy sugar and paper cones. I picked up the Pink Cherry Vanilla flavored box. In the ingredient list it stated: Contains Soy. What?!?! This isn’t Soy flavored cotton candy! Why in the world would there be any reason to put Soy in this? I am still floored by the way that Soy makes it into so many everyday things! Luckily, the Blue Raspberry flavor did not contain Soy. I am also looking into using Baker’s sugar and making some without any flavoring, so I know they will be Carter safe. It shouldn’t be so hard to have a little fun!

1 comment:

  1. Oh- we'll be celebrating on the same day- our Benefit, Carter's birthday!
    Yeah for cotton candy. We'll be having sno-cones! :)
