After 575 days on GAPS, Carter is offically healed. Now he eats everything!

After 575 days on GAPS, Carter is offically healed. Now he eats everything! Well almost everything! He's still eating a real food/non processed diet for the most part and we will stay away from soy in all forms and cauliflower, mainly because Mommy is still scared of those foods. We are sticking with the 80/20 ratio of foods because now he can indulge in a cheat every once and awhile and he's just fine!

Monday, June 27, 2011

We tried eggs one more time. The big boys were having eggs for breakfast and Carter was literally crying for eggs of his own. His rash had cleared up, so I went with it. I gave him one scrambled egg.  He munched it right up. Within an hour, he had a new area of fresh rash on his shoulder and a small rash around his face. That was our confirmation that eggs alone were not going to be a part of Carter’s diet.  But what about eggs cooked foods?
The next day I gave him a waffle. They were Carter safe waffles made with corn starch and eggs.  The small rash around his face turned into a larger welt and spread to his cheek. Eggs are, were officially a no go. The strangest part of all this involved his patch testing. In January of this year, Carter had patch testing done. One of the patches was eggs. I looked at his back on Friday while getting him changed and the area where the egg patch had been placed was raised and discolored.  It was a prefect little circle. The patch testing was done 7 months ago and yet his skin still reacted. This tells me that his body still has a lot more healing to do.
We took the whole family camping over the weekend and learned two very important things.
1)     Carter gets car sick. Vomit does not clean off of a cast. Pukie is Carter’s word for throwing up. Always pack extra clothes in case someone vomits twice in 10 minutes.
2)     Carter cannot cheat on his diet. No matter how much he begs, we cannot give in. He cried for watermelon. It is on his list of Maybe foods.  After 4 small pieces, we had reactive diapers for the next 2 days and disturbed sleep. Watermelon will now go on the Unsafe list.
Camping was a great adventure and we all had a great time! Every family outing is a learning experience and if we do it right, it is also a time to smile and watch our boys be boys.

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